Addingham Surgery

Patient Group

The surgery has an active Patients Participation Group (PPG). It is a direct link between you (the patient) and the medical services provided by the practice. The group provide a forum for patients to contribute to the decision making and service development within the surgery.

Friends and Family Test

Friends and Family Test (FFT)  From 1st December 2014, it is a contractual requirement that all GP Practices undertake the NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT). The Friends and Family Test ... [continue] Friends and Family Test

Join our PPG

We welcome enquiries from patients who would like to join our patient group.

Patient Group Overview

What is a Patient Participation Group? The surgery has an active Patients Participation Group (PPG). It is a direct link between you (the patient) and the medical services provided by ... [continue] Patient Group Overview

Patient Survey Results

Addingham PPG and Addingham Medical Centre produced a patient survey, the results of which are shown below: Addingham PPG patient survey 2018-19      

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 22nd August, 2019